I'm Carly Rae Robinson.

I'm the artist and small business owner behind Carly Rae Creative + Carly Rae Studio. I graduated with a degree in Art Education, then started selling my watercolor prints online and at craft fairs, which soon after became my full-time job. And by soon after, I mean I opened that Etsy shop back in 2013, and even though my first sale was to my grandma, I was off and running...

Jumping back into teaching in this non-traditional way has me super fired up to help others create! I am also fired up that we can make this happen while in fuzzy socks, with a big glass of coffee/tea/wine (I am a big fan of all three) from the comfort of our own homes. You could also find me snuggling with my dog mid-day and sharing a morning coffee with my husband Max.

My favorite part of painting is the process; focusing on a piece for an hour or two and forgetting about everything else around me (sometimes to a fault) and being fully present in that creative space.

I've learned so much over the almost 10 years of my art career, and I've developed a signature watercolor style along the way. I cannot wait to share it all and help you to cultivate your creativity! 


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